2009 Blogs

Spring Break is Here! LOLz


Less than 2 Days for me and a group of my awesome fellow IUE students and Instructors leave the Country to visit Costa Rica for 10days. We have been learning a lot about Central America and the strife's they have gone through. Very good stuff. I cannot wait to go. I will be coming back with a zillion pictures and videos of the adventure. I must admit I am looking forward to visiting an Active Volcano!!! That means LAVA!!! HOT HOT HEAT! awesome! the forces behind plate tectonics, the immense power! yup nerd moment! There is so much we are going to be doing! Stay Tuned .

If I had more time currently before I left I have several funny stories to be told. Lets just say Oppps DUDE, Technology & good Intentions do not mix, Who put that on my Locker.

Spring is close... I can feel it. Many games of Disc Golf will be played!