2014 Blogs

Thanks Brahhh


Due to an overload inside my head and the fact I seem to post way to many overly emotional posts that end up being deleted *rolls eyes* I figured I'd save you all from the catastrophic post that could happen and instead write something a little different.

I don't know what better way to start this than with a thank you. To all five people who actually read these nonsense of posts I can't thank you enough. Like most everyone else I am definitely not blogger, its a totally foreign concept to me. However I can't thank you all enough for reading! You have willingly put yourself into this mess of adventure that I live and as weird as I find that, I think it's pretty awesome! So as a big thank you for all the craziness you are about to find yourself into I figured I'd give you all a tiny challenge. One that's totally designed to make you think and for once has nothing to do with me. Thank you all again and enjoy!

1. Eat something healthy! The pure thought of eating healthy makes your brain happy, as well as your stomach. Your body will thank you later.

2. Call your parents. Foolish and silly, maybe but they are the ones that gave you this sick and twisted life. Call and thank them, update them on your life and every endeavor that has come along. Don't tell them about the parties you've attended or how many shots you can take before getting sick because they probably don't want to hear that. Tell them you love them and I promise all your stress will slowly go away.

3. Find your favorite quote. Read it. Write it down on a sticky note and put it on your computer to see it everyday.

4. Question yourself as to why you picked that quote. Is it relevant in your life or complete BS? If it has nothing to do with you or is completely douche-y take the stick note off your computer and throw it away. Then go back to Number Three an repeat the cycle again.

5. Put your phone down for a day and go on an adventure! Whether that is through the Richmond Furniture Gallery or even to the help shelter get out and do something out of the norm for you.

6. Write down your life plan. Sit and look at it for a good minute then crumble it up. Think long and hard why you crumbled it up. Open it again and decide if everything on there is what you definitely want in your life. If so put it in a jar and bury it. If its not then eliminate whats not needed and rewrite it to bury it.

7. Go through your phone contacts and erase anyone that has caused you to cry, pain, or are just plain mean. No matter the emotional attachment they are a negative asset in your life and must be gone. You'll thank me later.

8. Find a person. Funny really, but find them! Tell them one thing you've never told them ever. Be daring! This maybe the last chance, don't let them get away.

9. Go get the one thing you love most. Whether that be a person, a cat, or a blanket, grab it and love the heck out of it! Cuddle your cat till all their nine lives are gone. Wrap up in your blanket and watch all the Hobbits in it! Get the person you love and hug them until they pass out.

10. Take a deep breath. Feel the air rush between your lungs and the CO2 leave your body. Feel that? That's what it feels like to have life.

This may all seem like nonsense, and truly it is, however there's a point to this madness. Find it and report back to me, I'd love to hear your ideas! Once again thank you for reading!