2014 Blogs

Ponder This


AGGkmFNSo the other day I was pondering, “Why am I going into sports broadcasting. Actually why am I even doing this at all?” A great question really! Why should a little 5’3 girl go into such a male dominated profession? And why was I even thinking about this?

Well I was thinking of people I know and wondering why they are either wasting their brains to do something they love, or wasting their dreams to do something they’re good at. Like there is this kid I know who is pretty smart, and has the ability to do whatever science based job they would want to do, but instead he wants to be a zoo keeper. 915888 - ZookeeperA zoo keeper, aka animal poop scooper. When I asked them why a zoo keeper their reply is simple, they like animals, and why go into the medical field when they would hate it. Good point, you should love your job.

Another person I know is going into business, which I will never understand because my accounting teacher says I don’t have the brain for it, thanks dude... Anyways I never understood why they are a business major, because when you ask them what they want to do they say be a zoo keeper for turtles (I like turtles). Yes this person also excels at academics so they could do a lot, but they choose to do something that their good at instead of loving.

Then you have my brother, who has no idea what he wants to do and is a major that he likes but doesn't know if he wants to do it or not. Well what a pickle. Honestly my brother got the brains in the family, I probably got the short end of the stick. He excels at literally ever class he takes, even Spanish and Calculus 2! The boy has a brain, however with a brain comes decisions to use it. He literally has an endless amount of possibilities and that is starting to get to him. I tell him to choose something he is good at, and something he’ll love, because that’s really what you should do.

tumblr_mibod5XciX1s58gjeo1_500So then there is me, stuck in between a boulder and a field of daisies. Call me vain but I am pretty good at talking, like I never stop. I could probably make the weather sound great, even when it’s -20 and the snow is blowing in my face. I’ve just always been very particular on how I present myself and how I speak to people, it’s just how I am. So being a communications major just fit me to a T! Of course I wanted to do something else, I actually wanted to be a large animal vet, however I realized that I suck at science and was amazing in communications. But what got me into sports was the idea of proving a point, something I like to do a lot.

I was involved with softball as a kid and tennis and cheerleading in high school, so I knew a thing or two about different sports. However it was when I was cheering at a football game with our cheer lifters, and they asked me if we were on offense or defense that I realized that they didn’t think I knew a lick about football, let alone sports in general. That was when I made it my mission to become as knowledgeable with different sports as I possibly could. It may sound weird to say I chose to go into sports because I wanted to prove others wrong, but that’s what I wanted to do; something I love and something I was good at.

So when picking what to be in life I have a little advice. One, pick something you love! If you hate your job you’ll hate your life, and end up eating TV dinners with your mother.TV-Dinners So love what you do! Also do something you’re good at. If you’re an excellent COD player look into becoming a video game designer, or getting off the couch every once in a while. Lastly do something that will challenge you to do your best. I chose sports because I knew it was going to push me to do my best, plus people actually care about sports. Do what you love, know, and will push you to do your best, and you’ll love what you’ll do in the future.