2014 Blogs

Monday isn't always Funday


Hello Monday, well at least that is how I started this Monday.hello-monday-nature

It’s always nice to know that you really don’t have to start your day till 12:30, however I always seem to get up early. I always start by walking downstairs to my overly energetic puppy Belle, Belle-Ribbonwho just loves to give kisses and tell me how much she missed me. After I got my puppy kisses for the day over with, I grab my breakfast and get ready for the day. Today though seemed different. I started it the same way as always, but I was a little off my game; like I had too much on my plate before I even had breakfast.  So I tried to brush it off.

But clearly that didn’t work. After I was already to go I went to put my paper I had due onto a jump drive, (cue the depressing music) but my computer had other plans. Today must not have been in my stars because my computer decided to update, which is a process in itself. So I decided to get to school early to get my computer taken care of and study for a test.

After an hour or so of studying I looked at my computer and it was still updating! I had five minutes before my paper was due and there was no way to get it, what was I to do!? So like any responsible student I told my professor what happened, and gladly took the 10% doc on my paper (although I wasn’t exactly chipper about it). After I failed my test, my luck, I sat in class only to find out that I was not getting my attendance points for the day, and that my professor moved the date of when the paper was actually going to be due. Great. So I moseyed my way to accounting to sit with a broken computer, and by this time I had as much food as a starving third world country does. I was hangry by this time, AKA hungry and angry.Hangry

In my hangry state I was getting a little too upset about things quickly, but I still had to hit the weight room! I had been without the gym for four days, I was missing the place. So I drank my pre-workout, itched my face till I felt like it was going to fall off, and then made the boy who likes me more than life itself upset. How? Well let’s not talk about it, but I will say it wasn’t very nice of me, but I still had my weights! Into the weight room I went, adding extra weight here, doing a different work out there, anything to get my head to think straight for a few minutes.

Soon I was in my car half way home, when I remembered I needed to go to Meijer. Because I’m lazy, I went straight home first and changed into something a lot more comfortable than the clothes I had on. The moment I walked into the door I knew the water works were coming and I was about to blow a fuse. I marched myself back into my cave, (otherwise known as a bedroom) and broke down. Man when was the last time I ever cried? Good question, because I don’t know? So I’m sobbing into my cat Diamond when I remembered I needed to go to Meijer. So I grabbed my keys, drove to Meijer to get hair ties (yes that’s what I needed… lame), and came home to find my computer was working again!

As I inhaled some Subwaysubway I sat and got my homework done, and even had a chance to tell my parents how awful my day was. Not too long after that my sister walks in saying her day was bad too. Maybe it just wasn’t the day for the Gard sisters, which is probably true. However as I sit here and think about all the not so great things that happened today it makes me appreciate the days that go smoothly.

Now I know you could care less about my awful day, but that’s not the point. The point is appreciate the good days! Every day you wake up is a start to a good day, and every evening is an end to a great day; you just have to make it great. So next time your drop your phone in the toilet because you want that perfect mirror selfie, know that your day really can get worse; just don’t make it any worse than it already is.      monalisaducklips