2014 Blogs

Freshman = Freshmeat


freshmen-en-ffffffHere you go again, starting at a new school as a freshman, great. Your mom is probably ecstatic that you have finally picked a college out, and your dad is just happy you’re going to college. The college experience is a lot different from what most believe it to be, especially that first year. Whether you are staying home with your cat, or moving in with a roommate life is about to get crazy! So let me be the first to say, welcome to your freshman year, freshie.

No your freshman year of college isn’t going to be like your freshman year of high school, you won’t be given a swirly your first day, nor will people laugh at you when you drop your tray in the cafeteria. College is different. Of course people will know you’re a freshman due to your lost puppy look, and the fact that your face is new to campus. But don’t worry, everyone has been there before and is always willing to help you.Bt4UqbJCMAAEvd4

Speaking of help! As a freshman I had no one to look after me and guide me into the right direction, well that was true until I found my good friend Jason to take me under his wing. But before I had him I had no one. I had to make up every move as I went and hoped for the best. I had no friends here for comfort, so I was a lone wolf on this beautiful IUE campus, but that didn’t stop me from learning the ropes around campus. So here are a few of my favorite tips about freshman year that will take you from fresh-meat to freshman!

  1. Don’t raise your hand to go to the bathroom, sounds silly right? Your professor would rather you get up and go than sit there and possibly pee your pants. Your professor has bigger things to do than watch you potty dance, so just go!

  2. Rolling backpacks… don’t get me started! If you have a back problem or are a nursing major okay I can understand, otherwise two strap that thing!

  3. Letter jackets. Just no, no one cares. You are here to learn for your future, so leave your past behind.

  4. Boyfriends/girlfriends, ew. If you have one before you start school I hope it works out for you, and you make it past Thanksgiving break. On the flipside of that, don’t get involved with someone your first semester here. I say this because A. You’ll have to see their face till the end of time, and B. because I did and I am still have emotional scars I have to deal with. So take it from this crazy, don’t do it. You can wait!

  5. FRESHMAN 15 ISN’T REAL! Well it is, but that’s if you only consume alcoholic beverages and pizza every day. Please don’t do this though, your body won’t thank you and neither will your parents when they have to buy you jeans for Christmas because the ones from last Freshman-15Christmas are just a wee bit tight. Eat normally, and don’t do stupid illegal things.

  6. Lastly get involved! There is so much to do on campus, find your niche so you can make friends! Seriously I joined this dance team that just started when I got here, and it has been a blast to watch it grow and grow with it. Plus I get to go to the basketball games and see basketball players, yum. Just kidding! But really go to a volleyball or basketball game, go to one of those crazy Campus Life events, and find a club that you love. I promise you’ll thank me later.

Although that isn’t the full list of things I learned my freshman year, they are some of most important/comical things I have learned. Going into my Junior year I can honestly say all of these tips have helped me, and continue to shape me into the future person I plan on being. I’m half way done, and I’m still learning how valuable that first year is, you can’t get it back so make it memorable!

BONUS TIP! Come see me in the Office of Campus Life in Springwood Hall if you ever need someone to talk to, learn how to get involved in a club, or want to know what the latest event is. I will be more than glad to help you out :)

BONUS BONUS TIP! Start drinking coffee, and invest in a good coffee cup. Promise you’ll thank me later.