2014 Blogs

A little birdie once said...


There is something to be said about being a somebody. People know you and watch your every move, normally waiting to catch you in a sticky situation. This is a hard thing to notice and to learn but normally when it's learned its like a train coming straight at you, hard and fast. Not the way most of us like to learn a lesson but it sure puts every little thing into perspective. Everybody is a somebody, just some shine a little brighter than others. Don't dull your sparkle, don't jump cause someone said so, and certainly don't try to fly with the gulls when you're just a penguin. Take this advice, don't do anything that could ruin everything. Lesson learned.

Battle scars from glo zone, a bruised up knee! Battle scars from glo zone, a bruised up knee!


-Thank you Rebeckah... I don't know how I will ever repay you.