2014 Blogs

100 reasons to be Happy!


100 Reasons to be happy!

  1. Cats

  2. Weekends

  3. Chicken nuggets

  4. Stuffed animals

  5. My favorite little Kristoff doll

  6. The color yellow

  7. Sunny days

  8. Rainy days

  9. Sweatpants

  10. Pretty earrings

  11. Otters that hold hands!

  12. Sleeping in (WOOOO!)

  13. Getting an education

  14. Having an awesome job

  15. Bubbles

  16. Peanut butter banana milkshakes

  17. Eyes lashes

  18. Coffee

  19. Water (helps ya live!)

  20. Life it’s self

  21. Any 90’s song

  22. Big Butts… or just the song Baby Got Back…

  23. Gummy bears

  24. Swedish fishes!!!

  25. Driving with the windows down

  26. A good mug

  27. Shark week

  28. Country music

  29. Dancing like an old lady

  30. Playing with puppies

  31. Pictures of stuff

  32. Books

  33. Showers

  34. Conditioner! (it really is better)

  35. Anchorman quotes, appropriate 60% of all the time

  36. Old people who still love each other

  37. New shoes

  38. Clean sheets

  39. Smelly good stuff

  40. Meat! (Not man meat…)

  41. The beach

  42. Babies…

  43. Being in love, lol just kidding!

  44. Free t-shirts from IUE

  45. Birthdays!

  46. ‘Merica, heck yeah!

  47. Pretty boys (insert heart eye emoji here)

  48. Cheese burgers

  49. People who care about you

  50. Fanny packs

  51. Your favorite jeans because they make your butt look big

  52. Ben and Jerry’s, nuff said

  53. Smiley face cookies from Joy Ann’s (only the green ones!)

  54. The number three

  55. Chapstick that you’ve somehow managed to keep for longer than a week

  56. Flowers

  57. Indiana sunsets

  58. Fireworks!

  59. Watching the stars

  60. Bubble gum

  61. Movies

  62. Knowing the words to your favorite song!

  63. Starbucks

  64. The hot guy that works at Starbucks (seriously go see the guy)

  65. Smiles, I love smiling smiling’s my favorite!

  66. Fruit

  67. Videos of Corgi’s being cute

  68. Not peeing your pants in public

  69. Good smelling candles

  70. Cuddles, especially from kitties

  71. Wedding shows

  72. Your favorite TV show (River Monsters!!!)


  74. Basketball

  75. Free food

  76. IUE

  77. Dancing

  78. Listening to music in the weight room and dancing because I’m the only on in there

  79. Liking someone

  80. Forgiving people

  81. Swings

  82. Ducks, when they aren’t chasing me

  83. Cupcakes

  84. Crayola’s when they are color coordinated

  85. Sticky notes

  86. When your pen matches your notebook

  87. Coloring

  88. A list of 100 things that makes you happy

  89. Family

  90. Curly hair

  91. Hugs

  92. Big cities

  93. Asking a million questions!

  94. Making other people smile

  95. Candles (did I already put that)

  96. Bathing suits

  97. Working out

  98. Taylor Swift… My future BFF

  99. Great quotes

  100. Remembering it could always be worse!


Now I didn’t write this ridiculous list for no reason! It takes a lot to be happy really, especially when it’s hard to stay positive. Things can knock you down, and shake you however they are thrown at you for a reason. Take everything in stride, and never let go of your happiness. Whatever you do though, don’t eat ice cream and listen to sad music, it’s a real happiness killer. Oh and don't play "Happy" by Pharrell Williams, its over played.