2014 Blogs

Blog entry numero uno.


  What's Up #RedWolfNation! My name is Michael and I am a senior business administration major with a concentration in marketing and am involved in several student organizations, including SAAT (Student Activity Advisory Team) which is the organization that puts on campus events throughout the year. I also work for athletics during the men's and women's basketball season! If you see me around campus or out in the community, stop and say hi!

So welcome to the midway point of the Fall 2014 semester! I hope all of you are off to a great start so far, and for the freshmen, I hope your college career is starting off on the right foot.

Hopefully all of you have taken advantage of the several events that have gone on so far, including Back with the Pack, Follow the Pack, GloZone, Six Appeal, Casino Night, and most recently, Magician Daniel Martin. Oh, and we are not done yet. We are sponsoring our annual "Pink Out" volleyball game, in support of breast cancer awareness, on Tuesday October 13 at 7pm! Show up early to receive a FREE Pink Out T-Shirt! I have seen the shirts and they are awesome!

Following Pink Out, our focus turns to homecoming! Homecoming is November 10-15! We have our first IU East basketball double header featuring our men's and women's teams on the 11th and our talent show (applications can be picked up in Campus Life), bonfire, and crowning of IU East Homecoming King and Queen on Thursday, November 13! Be sure to follow SAAT on twitter (@SAATatIUE) for more information!

So why am I talking about this? Taking part in different events and being involved on campus is what college is all about. Partaking in activities that you would not normally do in the "real" world. Networking with other students who may be a benefit to you later on in your life. Building a resume with different clubs and student organizations that may help expand your knowledge and experience to help guide you along the way. These are all extremely important things to remember when you decide to stay home and watch Grey's Anatomy instead of coming to participate in a campus activity or athletic event.

So get out, be involved, and most importantly, HAVE FUN.

IUE VolleyballLet's Go Red Wolves!