2014 Blogs

The Whole New World


This is my first post as a blogger and honestly I think it is pretty awesome that I get to tell about sort of experiences I have had throughout my college years and in the education department. The good/not so good/the entertaining/the I could not make this up if I tried! Anyway, so if you don't already know I am a SENIOR in the elementary education program! Thank goodness the light at the end of the tunnel is near. This blog will talk a lot about education and other awesome stuff in addition! Maybe some college survival tips as well. Anyway, I am currently in field placement in a Kindergarten classroom. Throughout my college years I have now been in Kindergarten, 3rd grade, and 6th grade. Let me tell you, Kindergarten is a whole world. Don't mind the Aladdin reference, I am somewhat of a Disney addict. Anyway, Kindergarten is different from any other grade period. Now I know what you are thinking. Oh, come on Megan, it cannot be that different from first grade. No, it really is! Some students come in knowing nothing. I mean literally next to nothing maybe some colors. While others come in with beginning reading skills. Talk about a learning gap! Yet, it is part of my job to close that gap, and I LOVE it! The hardest part about Kindergarten is simply getting them into the routine of school and having them understand directions. Since they cannot read they have to be told everything in oral directions, which sometimes goes over their heads. But, my cooperating teacher has been an awesome resource in modeling how this is achieved. You will also find that Kindergartens are very honest about particular areas as they just have no filter of what is or is not appropriate or realistic. I have had one student tell me several times she is moving to Australia then told me she was moving Canada. Another who gave me a rather detailed description of what Cops do during my lesson that I will not repeat. As well as others that I am sure are slipping my mind. Basically, Kindergarten is amazing and entertaining. I wouldn't trade this experience for the world. If someone offered me a Kindergarten job upon graduation I would definitely take it! I am going to complete my student teaching in 2nd grade starting in January so stay tuned for more epic information and stories that I am sure will come. Meanwhile, if you have any comments, or questions about anything always feel free to leave a comment and I will definitely get back with you.