2014 Blogs

Halloween in Kindergarten


So, for those of you who have not previously read my blog I am a senior in the elementary education department at IUE. I currently had my first experience teaching all day in a Kindergarten class. This first day just happened to be Halloween. You see, my cooperating classroom teacher had to take Halloween off due to circumstances outside of her control. She then asked if I was comfortable running her class on Halloween due to her absence. I of course accepted.

Let me tell you having 19 five-year olds all to myself who were stocked up on sugar from the night before was a challenge. They usually have a lot of energy, but this was a whole new level. Plus, children at this age need routine. A strict routine that they can count on. Since their teacher was not there, and it was not a normal day (party day), they were beyond excited! I attempted to teach in the morning, but my students could not focus on anything aside from changing into their costumes! Which were adorable!  I have four girls dressed up as Elsa from Frozen in my class alone. I also had bat woman, robin woman, a vampire, ninja turtles, a cow boy, iron man, bumble bee, the flash, and cheerleaders. We then painted, had party snacks, had relay races, a parade and made sticker books. By the end of the day I was exhausted! I would have done just about anything for a nap! I love kindergarten and the students in my class. Next week I have my teach week. Where I teach all morning for a three-hour time frame. Now that I have survived an entire day on Halloween, I am more confident that I will be able to handle a couple of hour time period on a normal day.  However, this experience has made me more excited to move up to second grade for my student teaching in the spring were students are a bit more independent! Stay tuned for more of my educational adventures!