2014 Blogs

100 Facts About Me The Bear Necessities


After reading Morgans blog, I was inspired to share more about myself to my readers so here they are. 100 random facts about myself.

1. I am a severe Disney Addict. ( I am in the process of collecting all Disney Classics on DVD) I also went to Disney World for Spring break my sophomore year because I am that cool.

2. I am a mother to a 5-year-old Shih Tzu, Snickers. Who I promise is a toddler trapped in a dog's body.

3. My favorite season is Summer. Yay for warm weather and freedom!

4. I prefer salt over sweets. Bring on the popcorn!

5. I have an amazing family, friends and boyfriend who I all love dearly and have no idea what I would do without them!

6. I am student teaching at Randolph Southern in the spring which I am stoked for!

7. I graduated from Winchester, which most people give me a hard time for.

8. I am an also avid Harry Potter, and Hunger Games fan.

9. If you haven't noticed already, I have a nerdy side that tends to come out.

10. Wicked is my favorite Broadway musical.

11. My favorite book is probably all the books in either the Hunger Games or Harry Potter series. I have read them all twice.

12. I LOVE children's literature. I am an education major I mean come on!

13. I have a scarf addiction.

14. And a boot addiction.

15. I can be a homebody.

16. I can also be somewhat of a social butterfly.

17. I am an amateur cook, but I am improving.

18. I workout sometimes.

19. I have blonde hair with some red in it.

20. However, I do not consider myself the "typical dumb blonde". That is a horrible term.

21. I am 5'6. Not short, not tall.

22. I danced for 11 years.

23. I played volleyball for 7 years.

24. I only usually paint my toenails. Because it drive me crazy when my finger nail polish chip off.

25. I have blue-green eyes. They change with the lighting.

26. My favorite color is purple.

27. I am a transfer student from Ball State.

28. If I had to change my major I would probably change it to something in marketing.

29. My mom's entire family is made up of teachers. I am really not even kidding.

30. My favorite holiday is Christmas!

31. I love the show Boy Meets World. 90's girl problems.

32. I hate wearing shoes, and socks.

33. I have an older brother, Brandon.

34. My brother and I also have the same birthday, but we are not twins. We are 5 years apart in age.

35. April 13th is my birthday. (And my brothers)

36. I have a ridiculous amount of freckles.

37. No one else in my family has freckles as an adult. We aren't sure where I got them permanently.

38. My favorite food is mac and cheese.

39. I also get a lot of craving for weird types of foods: B-dubs, spaghetti, Mexican food.

40. My favorite channel is ABC Family.

41. I am a PLL fan. (Pretty Little Liars)

42. I am a Colts fan.

43. And slowly converting into a Red Socks fan.

44. I refuse to watch scary movies.

45. I work at the admissions office.

46. If someone went through my music they would probably think I am bipolar because I have some many different types of music.

47. My favorite type of music is country.

48. My favorite artist is Tim McGraw.

49. My favorite song is My Best Friend (by Tim McGraw)

50. I own over 30 Disney movies. (on DVD)

51. My favorite movie other than Disney movies is Crazy, Stupid Love.

52. Or Bridesmaids.

53. I have been to Alaska. (which was AWESOME!)

54. I am related to the Wright Brothers. (somehow on my mom's side).

55. I am not great at math. (Which I should be since I am related to the Wright Brothers. Somehow I lost that trait.)

56. My Dad owns Culy Construction.

57. I am right-handed. (I know boring but it is true)

58. As a child I had buck teeth. Thank goodness for braces.

59. I drive a Jeep Wrangler. (Jeep Wave)

60. My favorite flowers are Daisies.

61. I have been stuck on face off at Kings Island and survived.

62. I am OCD about certain things.

63. Some people think I have a southern accent.

64. I have lived in Indiana my entire life.

65. This could be due to all the country music I listen to. (Food for thought)

66. I am somewhat claustrophobic.

67. My favorite restaurant is Chili's, or on special occasions Galos.

68. Trail riding horses is my favorite hobby.

69. I don't consider myself to be a morning person or a night owl.

70. I am a Christian.

71. I consider myself to be pretty outgoing.

72. I am a fan of dry humor. Or any kind of humor for that matter.

73. I am a fan of all Apple products.

74. I am also a creature of habit.

75. I like the idea of change but am somewhat afraid of it at the same time.

76. My dad and I have weird sayings we used that he learned from his grandpa.

77. I am a Survivor fan.

78. I am amazing and basically undefeated at Mario Cart on the Wii. Just ask my friends.

79. I don't like cake.

80. My favorite dessert is pie.

81. I have birthday pie instead of birthday cake every year.

82. I have to keep a grocery list. If it is not on the list, it will not be bought. Even if it is on the list I might forget it.

83. I cannot do homework in silence. I usually am watching TV or a movie.

84. I am a fan of Criminal Minds.

85. I love taking Snickers for walks.

86. She is a celebrity in my neighborhood.

87. My favorite actor is Steve Carell.

88. I enjoy watching random videos on You tube.

89. I am definitely a dog person.

90. I rarely remember my dreams.

91. I love to nap on Sunday's.

92. I love looking a the moon and stars out in the country.

93. I will listen to the same song as many times in a row as it takes for me to memorize it.

94. I hate needles. It is my biggest fear.

95. I did not get my ears pierce until I was 17 because of this fear.

96. I read my Duck Dynasty devotional every night before I go to bed.

97. I think the Robinson family are great people who stand by what they believe no matter what.

98.After college I hope to regain my love for reading I had before I started this thing called college.

99. I am primarily of German and English decent.

100. You pronounce my last name as (Q-lee) but most people cannot/do not pronounce it right. So I settle for Cooly as a good alternative.

If you read all the way to 100 you have more patience than I do. Congratulations!