2014 Blogs

Police Academy: Week 4


That's right got a whole month down! :)

This week was pretty basic. Pt in the morning then seven hours in the classroom. As we go along in academy the physical training routine increases because we are getting stronger and can handle it! My body was so tired by the end of the week but I still made the time to workout on the weekend. This is a profession that requires you to be in the best shape possible because you never know what you are going to encounter on your shift. I am four foot eleven and I have no doubt that I am going to encounter individuals that are much larger than I am. That is why it is so important to continue to push yourself physically even when you are tired. During pt Captain Butler and/ or Lt. Rhodes will tell us that we have to keep with it even when it is painful to continue the workout because one day we may be in a fight for our lives and will need every ounce of strength we have. I am very appreciative of being pushed during pt because it could save my life one day.

Monday we had our first core test which is an accumulation of all that we've learned unless the material had a test of it's own. I am honestly surprised by how much studying is required at police academy. I guess because it is training I didn't think there would be much studying required and more hands on learning. The test was over four weeks of material and it went well.

This week we learned about criminal law in the morning and crash investigations in the afternoon. A State Trooper led the class on crash investigations. We got out into the field and learned how to record and report a vehicle crash. The Trooper had a laser that could calculate how far away an object was. He informed us that the average police department did not have that handy dandy tool because it costs $5,000. It was really neat to see how accurate all the measuring tools were. Friday we had our crash investigations exam which went very well. The test I am really worried about is criminal law which will take place on the 17th of June.

I was pleasantly surprised to be asked to be interviewed for the Inside IU: News for faculty and staff from the campuses of Indiana University. I hadn't had much experience being interviewed so I was nervous yet excited for the opportunity. I met Daniel, a journalist for IU, at the Union and we sat outside as he asked me questions about the cadet program and my journey into law enforcement. I share my reason for going into policing anytime anyone asks because I want to take the opportunity to educate those who may not be aware of the human trafficking problem in our country. The first week of academy we had to introduce ourselves and later on someone had to introduce us to the class in a partner exercise so my cadet class knew why I went into policing. When we are being instructed in the classroom and the topic human trafficking comes up one of my classmates will make sure I heard and send a smile my way. One month down and only two and a half more to go!