2009 Blogs

Don Quixote's Windmills


Have you ever read Don Quixote? We had to read part of it before leaving for Spain. Today we got to see the windmills which are used in a scene of Don Quixote.

In the story, the fictional character, Don Quixote believes that the windmills are truly giants and decides he is going to take them on. Sancho, his squire, tries to tell Don Quixote the giants are really windmills, but he will not believe him. He charges the windmill on his horse. The wind starts to blow and his lance breaks off in the sail of the windmill, lifting him and his horse off the ground and dropping them back down.

Seeing the windmills in person was very impressive! They are huge and magnificent. We even got the opportunity to go into one of the windmills to see its inner workings with the grindstone and all. It’s great something such as this can be preserved. It’s always nice to be able to see something in person once you have read about it. Seeing the windmills I’m not sure how Don Quixote managed to see them as giants, but it made a hilarious story for us.