2008 Blogs

I'm going to miss...


5 months of waking up to sunlight and not needing to use an alarm clock.

Walking everywhere, especially along the beachfront.  I can go for kilometers without having to cross a busy street or worry about traffic. 

The bustle of student life on a residential campus. 

The students, especially the ones who are working so hard to improve their lives and the lives of others. 

Riding on a motorbike.

Mountains in the distance.

The deep green of rice fields before they ripen, and the turquoise-colored water of the sea.

Listening to the sound of wind drying my clothes, and the tinkle of aluminum coat hangers sounding like delicate wind chimes.

Fresh pineapple.

My spontaneous schedule and the sense of adventure in every day.

Having clothes made by a tailor.

Peanuts that come in a vacuum-sealed bag.

The sound of gongs and church bells in the distance. 

The people...my students, colleagues, friends--Vietnamese and expat--and strangers who greet me on the street with "where you from?"

The smiles.  I may miss the smiles most of all.